dimanche 25 mai 2003

Le Prophète Muhammad (pssl)

jeudi 20 février 2003

Conseils médicaux pratiques aux pèlerins

Conseils médicaux aux pèlerins

Avant le départ en pèlerinage.

Les autorités saoudiennes exigent certaines vaccinations aux futurs pèlerins

- Méningite à méningocoques : le vaccin Menonume (A, C, Y, W, 135)

- Un certificat de vaccination antiamarile (fièvre jaune) est exigé des voyageurs en provenance d’une zone infectée (zone tropicale de l’Afrique et de l’Amérique du Sud).

D’autres vaccinations sont recommandées d’un point de vue médical. Pour cela, nous vous invitons à consulter votre médecin traitant.

Services d’urgence en Arabie Saoudite

Police : 999

Pompier (pour les incendies) : 998

Ambulance : 997

Médecin à domicile à Madinah :

- Le Dr Nabil : 0504341955

On peut consulter le site de la diplomatie française sur le sujet.

Voir également:

- Arabie Saoudite: Conseils médicaux (site de Mon Voyageur);

dimanche 12 janvier 2003

The rituals of umrah

I. Departure from home

a. Take a bath (cut nails, remove unwanted hair etc.), put some perfume on the body.

b. Make two rakaats, with sura Alkafiroune in the first rakaat and Iklas in the second.

c. Say the intention (niya) : « Allahumma labbayk Oumrah. Allahummah inni ouridoul oumrah fayassir ha li watakabbalha minni ».

d. While thinking of the family, say « Astawdi oukoum Allahal lazi la youdwa i’ou wada i’a ».

e. While leaving home, say « Bismillahi tawakkaltou ‘alAllahi la howla wa la kouwwata lilla billah ».

f. Take the car and say three times « Allahou Akbar » and recite « Sobhanallathi sakhkhara lana hatha wa ma konna lahou mokrinine , wa inna ila Rabbina lamonkaliboun. Allahomma inni as’alouka fi safari hatha, al-birra wat-takwa wa minal’amali ma tarda, Allahomma hawwin alayna safarana hatha watwi anna boodah, Allahomma antas-sahibou fis-safari, wal-khalifatou fil-ahli. Allahomma inni a’outhou bika min wa’athaïs-safari wa kaabatil-mandhari wa sou’il monkalabi fil-mali wal ahl » and the same formula while taking the airplane.

II. Arrival at Miqat (place where a man must put himself in ihram)

a. On the plane and before the overflight of the miqat, put yourself in the state of sacralisation, i.e. wear ihram (at this stage the two shoulders covered), make ablution).

b. Say three times the talbiya aloud « Labayka Allahumma labayk, labayka la charika laka labayk, ina al-hamda , wa ni’mata, laka wal-moulk, la charika lak ».

c. Doah to read while getting out of the plane or during formalities of immigration : « Allahummah inna hazal harama haramouka walbalada baladouka wa amna amnouka wa’abda ‘abdouka, jitouka min biladi ba’ida, bizounoubi kathir. Wa a’mal sayyi’ati. As aluka mas la lata mouttwarin ilayka, almoushfikina min ‘aza bika, an tastakbilani bimahdwi ‘afwika, wa an toud khilani fi fasihi jannatika jannatina’im ».

d. Continue to recite the talbiya : « Labayka Allahumma labayk, labayka la charika laka labayk, ina al-hamda , wa ni’mata, laka wal-moulk, la charika lak ».

III. Departure from the hotel in Makkah

a. In the hotel take a bath, make prayers (faraz) if need be.

b. Recite the Talbiya until reaching the front of the Kaaba, if not, recite other invocations.

IV. Arrival at the Mosque

a. Enter by the right foot by the Bab Salam (door of peace) preferably and recite: « Bismillahi wassalatou wassalamou ala rasoulillah a’outhou billahil-Adhimi wa biwajihihil-karimi wa Soltanihil kadimi minach-chaytanir-rajim, Allahomm-aftah li abwaba rahmatik » et « Allahumma antassalam, wa minkas salam, fahayyaha Rabbana bissalam, wa az khilna jannata darassalam, tabarakta rabbana wata’a layta ya za jalali wal ikram, Allahumma afta lii abwaba rahmatik ».

b. At the sight of the Kaaba, stop saying the talbiya and say : « Allahu Akbar » three times and say also « La ila ha illa Allah » and many salawat as possible(Darud). Make two rakaats and raise hands and say : « Allahumma zid haza bayta tashri fi’a wa takrimi’a wa ta’zwi maa wa maha ba ta wa zid man sharrafa wa ‘az zwa mah wa kar ramah mim man haj jah awi’tamira tashri fi’a wa takrimi’a wa ta’zwimi’a wa bira » and « Allahoumma anta asSalâm wa minka asSalâm, fahayinâ rabbanâ bisSalâm »

V. The tawaaf

a. Discover the right shoulder. Go before the Black Stone, Start the tawaaf at the brown marble mark.

b. Kiss, if possible, the Black Stone. Otherwise, wave to the Stone and say « Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa Lilla Hil Ham ».

c. Begin tawaaf on the left side of the Kaaba (walk on the contrary direction of a wathc).

d. In front of the Black Stone say : « Bismillahi Allahu Akbar la ilaha illallahu wa lillahil hamdou wa swalatou was salamou ‘ala Rassoulillahi. Allahumma iimana bika waw a fa an bi ‘adika wa tiba ‘aan lisounnati nabiyika swallallhu ‘alay hi wa sallam ».

e. Between the Black Stone and the door of the Kaaba is the Multazam, place where prayers are granted. So, say : « Allahumma Ya Rabbul Baitil ‘atiiqui a’tiqui ri kabana wa ri kaha aabaina wa oummahatina wa ikhwa nina wa aw la di na minnnar. Ya zal joudi wal karam wa fadw li wa mana wa ‘atwa i wal ihsan ». Touch the Kaaba or it’s door at this stage, if possible.

f. Say many times and until the Rukun Yamani (yemeni angle) while walking « Subhana Allahi wal hamdoulilllahi wa la ilaha il Allahou Akbar wa la howla wa la kouwata illa billahi ‘aliyil ‘azwiim » and « Allahumma imana bika tasdikan bikitabika wa wafa’an bi a’dika wattiba’an lilisounnati Nabiyyika Muhammadin, sallAllahu alay’hi was salam ». Men should walk quickly, if possible, during the first three rounds between the Black Stone and Rukun Yamani. For the other four rounds, walk as normal.

g. Touch the corner of rukun yamani with the right hand (do not kiss) and say « Bismillahi Allahu Akbar ».

h. Between the Rukun Yamani and the Black Stone say « Rabbana atina fitdounya hasssanatan wa fil a’ghrira hasanatan wa quina ‘aza bannar wa ad khril jannata ma’al abrar Ya Azizu Ya ‘ghafaru Rabbul Alamine ». One turn is completed when reaching the Black Stone. Start again as mentioned above.

VI. After completing the tawaaf

a. Men should cover again both shoulders. Go to Maquame Ibrahim and say: « Wat takhizou wa min makami Ibrahim mousalla ».

b. In front of the Maquame Ibrahim say : « Allahumma innaka ta’lamou sirri wa ‘ala niyati fak bal ma’zirati. Wa ta’lamou hajati fa’twini sou li wa ta’lamou mafi nafsi fa’firli zounoubi ».

c. Make two rakaats, if possible near the Maquame Ibrahim, otherwise anywhere in the Mosque. In the first rakaat read sura Al Kafiroun sura Iklas in the second.

VII. Drink Zam-Zam water

a. Go tho the well of zam-zam and say « Allahumma inni as alouka rizkan wa a si an wa ‘ilman nafi an wa shifa an min kulli da ‘i ». Drink some zam-zam water while standing, pour some on the head and look at the direction of the Kaaba.

b. Then wave to the Black Stone and say « Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa Lilla Hil Ham ».

VIII. The sayy (Safa and Marwa)

a. Go on the Mount of Safa . While reaching the top say « Innasafa wa marwa ta min sha’a ‘iriLLahi. Faman haja al-bayta awi 'tamara fala jounaha 'alayhi an yatawafa bihima, wa man tatawa'a khayran fa inna Allaha shakiroun 'alim ».

b. Then say : « Abda-ou bima Bada-a Allâhou bih ».

c. On the top of the Mount Safa, turn your face towards the Kaaba and raise both hands and say « Allahou akbar, Alllahou akbar, Allahou akbar. la illaha illa Allahou wahdahou la charika lahou, lahoul moulkou, wa lahoul hamdou, youhyi wayoumit, wa houwa hayyoun la yamoutou abadan abada. Zouljalali wal ikram, biyadihil khrayl, wa houwa ‘ala koulli chay’in qadir ; la ilaha illaLLahou wahdahou la charika lahou, anjaza wa'dahou, wa nassara ‘abdahou, wa hazama al-ahzaba wahdahou ». Say three times and ask for any dua between two recitations.

d. Go down of Mount Safa and walk toward Mount Marwa. Walk as normal and say « Rabbi’ fir war ham wa’fou wa takarram. Tajawaz ‘amma ta’lamou innaka ta’lamou ma la na’lamou antaLLahol Azizoul Akram ».

e. During the walk say as many times as possible: « SoubhanaLLahi, walhamdoulILLahi, wala ilaha llALLahu waLLahu Akbar ».

f. Walk as normal but men should walk quickly between the green lights.

g. At Marwa, climb up the mount dans say like at Safa and while turning towards the Kaaba : « Allahou akbar, Alllahou akbar, Allahou akbar. la illaha illa Allahou wahdahou la charika lahou, lahoul moulkou, wa lahoul hamdou, youhyi wayoumit, wa houwa hayyoun la yamoutou abadan abada. Zouljalali wal ikram, biyadihil khrayl, wa houwa ‘ala koulli chay’in qadir ; la ilaha illaLLahou wahdahou la charika lahou, anjaza wa'dahou, wa nassara ‘abdahou, wa hazama al-ahzaba wahdahou ». To say three times and ask for any dua between two recitations.

h. Go down of Marwa and walk towards Safa and say « Rabbi’ fir war ham wa’fou wa takarram. Tajawaz ‘amma ta’lamou innaka ta’lamou ma la na’lamou antaLLahol Azizoul Akram ».

i. Make altogether 7 shuttlings.

j. After the 7th times, have hair cut and/or nails cut.

k. Go back to your hotel, and take off your ihram. One umra is completed.

IX. Visit and prayers in Madinah (not compulsory)

a. Before leaving the hotel in Makkah to go to Madinah, make a last tawaaf before the Kaaba and make two rakaats and make dua to be able to visit the Prophet (saw).

b. While travelling, recite as many salawat (darud) as possible.

c. In the hotel in Madinah, take a bath, put perfume and wear a good dress.

d. Enter the Mosque by Bab Jibril or Bab as Salam and say « Bismillahi wassalatou wassalmou ala Rassoulillahi, a’ouzou billahil azwin wa biwajhihil Karimi, wa Soultanihil Kadimi, minash sahytanir rajim, Allahummaftah li abwaba rahmatika » and continue to recite salawat.

e. Make two rakaats for the mosque . Il possible do the prayers in the Rawdat il Jannah (between the house of the Prophet (saw) and the Mimbar), part of Paradise.

f. Pay visit to the Prophet (saw) and say « As salamou alayka ya Rassoullahi wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh ».

g. And then other greetings : « Assalatu was-salamu alaika ya Rasul-Allah Assalatu was-salamu alaika ya Nabi-yallah Assalatu was-salamu alaika ya Habib-Allah. Assalamou alayka ya khiratallahi mi khalkihi, assalamou alayka ya sayyidal moursalina wa imamal mouttakine, ach’hadou annaka kad balla’tar risalata wa addaytal amanata wa naswah-tal oummata wa jahadta fil lahi hakka jihadi ».

h. Make dua and finish with « Allahumma shafia fiyya nabiyaka, Allahumma shafia fiyya malaïkataka wa ibadakal mou minine. Allahumma shaffia fiyya afrati ».

i. Then make greetings for other members of the family and say : « Asslamu alaika ya Rasul Allah min—(name of the person) ».

j. Move on the right to Abu Bakr Siddiq RA. Pray for him.

k. Move again on the right and greet Umar Farouq RA. Pray for him.

l. Make 40 compulsory prayers (salaat) (Fard) consecutively during 8 days..

X. Visit to Hamza (ra) in Uhud

a. Pay visit to Hamza (ra) in Uhud and other martyrs of Uhud

XI. Jannat ul Baqee

a. While entering the cemetery say : « Assalâmou alaykom yâ ahlal kobouri, yaghfiroullâhou lanâ wa lakom. Antom salafonâ wa nahnou bil-athari ».